The Top 14 B2B Blogs You Should Be Following

October 1, 2018

The Top 14 B2B Blogs You Should Be Following

In an age where inbound marketing has taken over, it is almost impossible to find a software or influencer who does not have a blog. It’s basically a requirement just to be on the Internet.

When blogs abound, it can be difficult to sort through blogs that are merely throwing keywords at you and the gems that can actually inspire an ‘ah-ha’ moment. Some of the best blogs out there can help you grow your business exponentially. The B2B community has a wealth of information on digital marketing, SEO, modern sales techniques, and more.

To access this information, we have put together a list of the top 14 blogs you should be following. These blogs offer plenty of useful content that can help you get started or advance your skills in your B2B company. The first 7 are personal and consulting blogs, followed by 7 software companies with blogs dedicated to the B2B space.

B2B Personal and Consulting Blogs

Neil Patel's Blog

1. Neil Patel’s Blog

You don’t need to work in digital marketing long before you start hearing about Neil Patel. Neil Patel founded Crazy Egg and Hello Bar and has a reputation for testing everything while producing enough content to prove it. His blog has seemingly unending lists of blogs and video blogs to help you learn about online marketing, seo, e-commerce, paid ads, social media, and more. Anyone in the B2B community can learn something from Patel.

B2B marketing blog

2. B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing is an organization dedicated to providingmarketers at business brands with the tools, insight and inspiration they need to grow and succeed.” One of the ways this hub provides B2B marketers with helpful resources is through its blog. For example, one of the most recent posts explores how Adobe’s purchase of Marketo will affect the industry. B2B Marketing is a good spot for those looking for B2B community, research, and most recent updates in the B2B world.

A Sales Guy Blog

3. A Sales Guy

A Sales Guy is a straightforward and honest approach to sales insight. You will not find fancy terms or bland explanations of sales ideas here, but energetic and cut-to-the-chase advice. Titles such as “Problem Centric Selling – Why No One Gives a Shit About You Or Your Company” and “Your Outbound Emails Suck – Stop Being A Digital Beggar!” give you a glimpse into the raw confidence A Sales Guy offers. If you are a fan of bold and unconventional sales advice, check out this blog.

B2B lead blog

4. B2B Lead Blog

B2B Lead Blog is all about- you guessed it- leads. Lead generation, lead management, lead nurturing, lead qualification, and all-thing leads can be found in this one blog. This lead blog covers the most recent sales and marketing research and trends. One recent article covers how sales hustle and automation tools can actually harm the customer journey. Another explains new research on empathy and sales. Are you interested in how to make the most of your leads? This is the place for you.  

Sales journey blog

5. Sales Journal

Sales Journal is an online collection of resources for sales teams. Resources are categorized in different sales topics, including leadership, technology, sales tips and more. One recent post gives tips on how to stay motivated in your next quarter. If you are looking for some new techniques to increase your sales and revenue, this is a good place to start.

Sirius Decisions Blog

6. Sirius Decisions

Sirius Decisions is a research and consulting company for B2B leaders. The company has a blog offering information on the latest trends on SaaS platforms, thought leadership for B2B companies, and customer trends. The most recent post highlights how demand leaders are entering the planning stage for 2019 and need to consider how changes in technology will affect their company. Executive leaders will be interested to follow research and opinions shared on this site.

The Sales Review Blog

7. The Sales Review

The Sales Review blog, powered by Sales for Life, is geared toward B2B sales teams to offer information on emerging trends, insights, and strategies. Recent articles highlight tools and interviews with leaders in sales. If you are interested in free tools, information on chatbots, geolocation, or market intelligence, this blog could be a good starting point for you.  

B2B Software Blogs

Wordstream blog

8. Wordstream

Wordstream is a suite of advertising solutions to help small and mid-sized businesses. The Wordstream blog focuses on marketing topics, SEO, E-commerce, social media, GDPR, and more. Recent articles include tips on how to promote your business on Youtube, how to optimize using Google’s new search console, improvements for mobile conversion rate and more. Wordstream has a vast collection of posts and is a good choice for advertisers just getting started or those who need to add some extra spice to their portfolio.  

Moz blog

9. Moz

Although Mox is now known as a leader in SEO software, it started out as a simple SEO blog and community. The blog has posts covering everything related to SEO, link building, B2B tools, and more. One of the most popular series is “Whiteboard Fridays,” where Rand Fishkin and the Moz team make a short video lesson using a whiteboard. The Moz blog is a great option for anyone looking to up their website SEO, whether they are just getting started or interested in learning more advanced skills.

salesforce blog

10. Salesforce

A leader in CRM, Salesforce also produces a blog highlighting leaders, trends, events, and news in the B2B community. This blog reads more like a journal for high-quality updates or insights in the business world. Recent articles include titles such as “Salesforce Woman of the Month: Cinzia Bazzo’s Journey Back to Our Ohana” and “Uber’s CEO: ‘If you don’t disrupt yourself, someone else will.” If you are a client of Salesforce, this blog will be particularly useful because it is a source of major updates and event information.

Bizzabo blog

11. Bizzabo

Bizzabo is an all-in-one event solution. This software also hosts a blog, showcasing content for event professionals. The blogs can be resources on finding great venues in particular cities, interviews with event planning leaders, event themes, or event planning trends. Recently, Bizzabo posted about creative corporate event ideas and event promotion strategies. If you are in the event marketing, planning, or engagement industry, this is a blog you must follow.

InsightSquared Blog

12. InsightSquared

InsightSquared is a sales and marketing analytics system that features a blog loaded with current trends in technology and learning. The InsightSquared blog, called RAMP, is for advanced marketers who want the latest information on conferences, events, and tools. Articles in the blog are high-quality and tend to be more evidence-based. They’re great for the marketer who wants proof, not just opinions, on how to improve their sales and marketing practices. If you know what GTM and compound improvement are without the help of Google, this is the blog for you.

Hubspot blog

13. Hubspot

The Hubspot blog is the king of all inbound marketing blogs. A marketing automation platform itself, Hubspot has developed a collection of high-quality resources to “attract, engage, and delight” marketers. This blog has been a leader for 12 years and attracts 5 million visits a month. This blog is divided into three separate categories- marketing, sales, and service. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned marketer, Hubspot is your B2B library with all your favorite reads.

Bizible Blog

14. Bizible

Bizible is a revenue attribution software owned by Marketo. The Bizible blog shares information on pipeline marketing, demand generation, revenue attribution, and more. The blog posts are for the strategic minded. When skimming the blog you will quickly find marketing book reviews, survey data posts, and intelligently written blogs on sales and marketing topics. Do you love graphs, percentages and reports a little too much? Get your nerd juices pumping by following this blog.

Whether you’re looking for an intro into to digital marketing, insights from thought leaders, or an in-depth analysis of SEO trends, these blogs will surely have what you’re looking for.

Know of any great B2B blogs? We’d love to hear your favorites!

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