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February 1st, 2024 2 min read

Several users have reported using Canvas for academic purposes, specifically in higher education arenas. Professors and university students have extensively employed it, leveraging functions like grading, submitting assignments, and keeping track of course outlines. Generally, these users appreciated that Canvas centralizes course content and relevant materials, making it accessible at any time. Similarly, Google Classroom is extensively utilized in both K-12 and higher education settings, according to many users. They often mention the ease of disseminating and turning in assignments, as well as the smooth communication between teachers and students.

On a distinctive note, Canvas users value its mobile app, saying that it enables easy access to course information on the go. This has been significantly beneficial for students and instructors who need quick access to manage their time efficiently. When it comes to Google Classroom, several users have pointed out its seamless integration with other Google Workspace tools, like Docs, Sheets, and Slides, which simplifies working on and submitting assignments directly through the platform.

Feedback from Canvas users has emphasized its effective integration with external tools like Turnitin for plagiarism checks and Proctorio for online proctoring. These enhancements are highly regarded in academic sectors where academic integrity is a crucial factor. In contrast, users have stated that Google Classroom is more straightforward, which makes it easier for younger students or those new to e-learning platforms to navigate and use the program.

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