How to Build A Winning Customer-Led Marketing Strategy

Practical tips for getting started and gaining executive buy-in

A customer-led marketing strategy involves elevating the customer voice to accelerate growth and increase customer lifetime value (CLV). However, the key to scaling and building a successful customer-led marketing strategy starts with executive buy-in. 

Why? Customer-led marketing hinges on building strong relationships through a high level of top-down engagement, from prospecting to renewal.

In this on-demand session, you’ll learn practical tips for: 

  • Getting executive buy-in for your customer-led go-to-market strategy
  • Fostering a customer-first employee culture
  • Using the customer voice to elevate and evolve your brand
  • Scaling customer stories as a key differentiator

 Our Speakers

Tessa Barron

VP of Marketing, on24

Tessa Barron leads the company’s brand, digital, and demand generation campaign strategy. She brings her wealth of marketing expertise from both in-house and agency experiences. In 2019, she was named to DMN’s “Top 40 Marketers under 40” list and is a founding member of the Revenue Marketing organization in NYC.

Allyson Havener

VP of Marketing, TrustRadius

Allyson leads the marketing strategy at TrustRadius across all functions including demand gen, PR, product, and partner marketing. She’s driven to establish TrustRadius as the platform where buying decisions are made. Allyson brings experience and expertise in hyper growth marketing from previous roles at LiveRamp, an enterprise SaaS company. In her spare time she teaches yoga and finds anything to do outdoors. Allyson was also a ballerina in Dubai and graduated from University of California, Santa Cruz. In her spare time, she teaches yoga and finds anything to do outdoors. Allyson was also a ballerina in Dubai and graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz.