How to Differentiate and Build Credibility With Buyers

How to Differentiate and Build Credibility With Buyers

Today, B2B technology buyers want authenticity and to self-educate when researching products. Unfortunately, they often ignore the brand story your marketing team is trying to tell, instead searching for comparisons of vendors, social proof, and self-serve product information from trusted third-party sources.

So, how are product marketers differentiating in oversaturated markets when buyers’ preferences have completely changed? They’re adapting to the buyers. We’ve noticed that product marketers adding customer voice to their marketing strategy are better distinguishing themselves in the marketplace and engaging their target audience.

Why customer voice?

Using the voices of customers in your product marketing strategy can help you stand out from the competition and increase sales. Some of the benefits that come from it are:

  1. Strengthened credibility—By allowing customers who have used your product to tell their story you can establish credibility with potential customers, creating a more positive and trusting mindset toward your product.
  2. Differentiation—When prospects hear customers telling your narrative using the same language they speak (not marketing jargon), it helps your brand stand out from the competition.

Increased engagement—Sharing customer experiences can start conversations on different platforms and create a sense of community around your product. You’ll be able to engage more with current and potential customers, tweak marketing efforts, and increase sales.

Taking customer voice beyond simple reviews

According to our 2022 B2B Disconnect report, 100% of buyers want to self-serve product information and 53% are looking for use cases.

Creating a successful product marketing strategy means giving voice to your customers and flooding the market with customer proof. Letting them highlight the value of your product offering and demonstrating how it helps them overcome challenges does two great things for your brand: It creates more robust relationships with customers and it speaks volumes to buyers.

But it’s more than having reviews on a review site that drives connection.

Taking the voice of your customer beyond simple reviews means using the review content in other channels to amplify the impact of what your customers are sharing about their product experience. Doing so will help you connect with a broader audience, plus it builds trust and brand preference.

How TrustRadius can enable you to leverage customer voice

TrustRadius is the decisioning platform for B2B technology buyers. But we’re not just a platform. We can also be a powerful partner enabling product marketers to leverage customer voice in their marketing efforts. With all our different resource modules, you can easily collect customer feedback that differentiates your product and gather downstream intent data to gain essential insights from potential buyers.

A few of the favorite TrustRadius modules product marketers love to use are:

  • Custom questions—Customize questions to ask your customers to tell a genuine story in their reviews while reinforcing your narrative.
  • TrustRadius awards—These directly reflect your relationship with your customers and can be shared in all deliverables.
  • TrustQuotes Library—Tag and house all your customer quotes in one place. The customer quotes can be used wherever you need them. And with our Chrome extension, your sales teams can easily search and use customer quotes right from their browser.

Want to learn more about how you can harvest the customer voice to reinforce your brand narrative, differentiate from competitors, build credibility, and accelerate the sales cycle? Download this new guide created specifically for product marketers, Using Customer Voice to Influence Your Product Marketing Strategy.

About the Author

Stefanie Miller is a marketing copywriter focused on connecting tech companies with their ideal audience. At the core of her work is unlocking the ‘why’ of each piece of content and delivering quality answers. Stefanie’s been a small business owner for nearly a decade, is a forever-learner, and born storyteller. She lives in California's Bay Area where she hikes the rolling hills, hangs with her family, and creates art with her laser cutter. You can find her on LinkedIn at: