How to Find Your Customer Review Superhero

How to Find Your Customer Review Superhero

Reaching and influencing B2B buyers isn’t easy. More and more, buyers demand X-ray vision before they consider purchasing a product. They want to know everything about your products. They want to know how they work, use cases for different teams, product shortcomings, and overall customer experience. Most importantly, according to our research, they no longer trust your marketing and sales collateral.

Prospects know that gated references are cherry picked. Plus, they’re hard for your team to manage and are a tax on valuable customers. Case studies often feel more like biased marketing assets than an authentic glimpse into the customer experience. Not only that, but they take a tremendous amount of time and resources to produce. Customer videos can be impactful, yet they require exponentially more time and resources than a written case study.

So what superpower do you need to reach and influence those buyers? A robust review program and a lot of product information readily available for buyers to self-educate with. According to the 2022 B2B Buying Disconnect report, reviews are the third most popular resource for buyers, with product pricing and free demos coming in as first and second. All three are now easier for vendors to provide and manage on TrustRadius’ decisioning platform, thus hitting the sweet spot for everyone.

But who should own your review program? While stakeholders from multiple departments can come together to strategize—and benefit from—a review program, at the end of the day someone has to step up and be the Customer Review Superhero. Deciding who should don the cape is one of the initial hurdles we see companies face. That’s why we released What’s In & What’s Out: A GTM Playbook for 2023, where we enable entire go-to-market teams with valuable information of how to reach today’s buyers. You’ll learn:

  • What today’s technology buyers want, and are looking for
  • How to shift your marketing and sales teams toward buyer enablement
  • How to focus on brand differentiation
  • How to invest in buyer intelligence and why it’s important
  • Winning strategies for success in 2023

About the Author

Stefanie Miller is a marketing copywriter focused on connecting tech companies with their ideal audience. At the core of her work is unlocking the ‘why’ of each piece of content and delivering quality answers. Stefanie’s been a small business owner for nearly a decade, is a forever-learner, and born storyteller. She lives in California's Bay Area where she hikes the rolling hills, hangs with her family, and creates art with her laser cutter. You can find her on LinkedIn at: